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Problem Solutions for

Volume 2 of

Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory:

The Standard Model


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Significant Corrections (may impact learning process)




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Significant Correction

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Feb 11 2022

Prob. 2: At beginning of problem statement insert “For the following, assume the appropriate distributive properties exist between operators”. In 2nd line, before “operation” insert “multiplication”

Nadeem Afana


Feb 11 2022

Prob. 10, next to last line: Change “A” to “B

Nadeem Afana


May 11, 2024

Prob. 19. Throughout, note that alpha_0 = 1. alpha_0 is more general notation that was used in SU(2), but not in the Gell-Mann matrix definition of SU(3).

Also, 2nd line after “and”, last term: “alpha_0” should be “alpha_8”; 3rd line, last “alpha_1” should be “alpha_2”.

Glenn Rowe


Feb 11 2022

Prob. 23: In large bracketing expression in mid-page, 1st and last lines, last factor, insert “2” in the exponents. In the expression right above “So,”, the row and column vectors at the end need to switch “0” and “1” components.

Nadeem Afana


Feb 20 2022

Prob. 29. Delete the sentence “Then find … antiquark.” Also delete the third part solution and relabel the fourth and fifth parts as third and fourth.

Luc Longtin


Feb 24, 2022

Prob. 1, last line of problem statement: change “ds” to “dy”: 2 places

Nadeem Afana


July 2, 2024

Prob. 2 statement, after first sentence, insert Note that like Maxwell’s equation (see Prob. 1), the Dirac equation, when derived from the QED Lagrangian and the Euler-Lagrange equation actually has a minus sign in front (which doesn’t really matter normally, as it equals zero, but does matter here). See Vol. 1, Chap. 4, Prob. 22.

Ans: Insert minus signs after “satisfies” in 1st row and at front of 2nd row. Delete minus signs in 2nd row before eipy in two places.

Jack Freinhar


Feb 24, 2022

Prob. 6, eq (B): scripts on photon propagators should be subscript μα on first one and subscript βν on the second. Insert gamma matrix with superscript α after the first photon propagator. Insert gamma matrix with superscript β before the second photon propagator. Then, lower the μν  on Green function in (B), (C), and (D)

Nadeem Afana


March 19, 2022

Prob. 7, last line: change all less than or equal to signs to < .

Nadeem Afana


March 19, 2022

Prob. 2, 1st and last lines: Change (4-22) to (4-23).

Nadeem Afana


Oct 14, 2022

Prob. 3 has been deleted. Delete the solution, as well.

Anthony Soong


Oct 5, 2023

Prob. 2, first line: Change “first” to “second”



Oct 5, 2023

Prob. 7: Delete all subscripts “non-min”, except for the LHS of (16-25) and the LHS of the line below (16-25).



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Minor Corrections (should not impact learning process)



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Minor Correction

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Dec 3 2021

In Acknowledgements section, 2nd line: change “very” to “every”

Susan Klauber


Feb 11 2022

Prob. 1, Ans. (third part): After “e”, insert “and the gamma matrix”

Nadeem Afana


Feb 19 2022

Prob. 8. Change U(θ) everywhere to U(1). 3 places. One third line, insert “a” before “complex”.

Luc Longtin


Feb 11 2022

Prob. 18, Ans., after 2nd equal sign after M^daggerM: one exponent has theta_2. Change to phi_2

Nadeem Afana


Feb 11 2022

Prob. 19, Ans, in equation after “and”, end of 2nd line: change derivative wrt alpha_0 to wrt alpha_8

Nadeem Afana


Feb 19 2022

Prob. 25, first two lines of equations: At end, change subscript “d” to “e”, two places

Luc Longtin


Oct 5, 2023

Probs. 1 and 2: Font size of many equations is too large.



Feb 24, 2022

Prob. 2, 1st line of answer: Change period between x and y to comma.

Nadeem Afana


March 19, 2022

Prob. 1, equation (C), under “Frist part of (A)”: insert subscript i on “k

Nadeem Afana


March 19, 2022

Prob. 3, next to last line of solution: before “the inverse”, insert “i times”

Nadeem Afana


Oct 5, 2023

Prob. 1: Font size of many equations is too large.



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