Corrections to

 Sept 2018 Revision of

Solutions to Problems for Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory


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Significant Corrections (may impact learning process)




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Significant Correction

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(blank = the author)


July 2, 2024

Prob. 2, 1st line: After “three” insert  topologically different  

Alexis Hardin


March 30, 2024

Prob. 1, first part, 3rd line: all covariant components ki should be contravariant components ki.

David Scharf


Oct 5, 2023

Prob. 6, 4th line down: Change “(xi)” to ““(xi,t)”.



Feb 18, 2022

Prob. 15: Corrected solution can be found at Chap. 6 Prob 15 corrected solution

Mikhail Denisov


Jan 11, 2022

Prob 13-4, 2nd line from bottom: A(Λ,m)  infinity should have minus sign before infinity

Mikhail Denisov


Jan 11, 2022

Problem 14-7. The amplitude M(2)B3 should not have a minus sign after equal sign. Same for the modified amplitude in the next to last line.

Mikhail Denisov


Jan 11, 2022

Prob 16-1: All r = 1 should be r = 2. All r = 2 should be r = 1

Mikhail Denisov


Nov 19, 2021

Chap. 8, Prob. 5. In the answer for Part a), delete the identity matrix at the end of the first line.

Jack Freinhar

8-15 &-16

Nov 19, 2021

Chap. 8, Probs. 15 and 16. In the last line of each solution, delete the factor of 2 in the denominator under the external fermion factor (that has m in the numerator).

Jack Freinhar


Oct 12, 2020

Chap. 7, Prob. 6. In the Ans (second part), 2nd line: the e^-ikx and e^ikx outside and to the right of the brackets should be deleted. In the first underbracket of that row, e^-ikx should have k primed. In the second underbracket, the summation should also be over r.

Nadeem Afana


Aug 14, 2019

Chap 8, Prob. 15: The subscript r2 on v_bar should be s2. 3 places. To avoid confusion with the subscripts on the photon polarizations.

Roberto Vio


Aug 14, 2019

Chap 8, Prob. 16: The subscripts ri on v and u_bar should be si. 6 places. To avoid confusion with the subscripts on the photon polarizations.

Roberto Vio


Aug 13, 2019

Chap 7, Prob 2:  I was very sloppy with this solution. There are several typos plus I used my own mental shortcut notation, which is quicker when I work alone, but is actually not quite correct and can be confusing. See corrected version Revision of Chap 7 Prob 2 solution.

Roberto Vio


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Minor Corrections (should not impact learning process)



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Minor Correction

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Jan 13, 2022

Problem 8-13, 2nd line of answer: switch order of nu and r to match notation used elsewhere

Nadeem Afana


Nov 17, 2020

2nd line of eq (A): The first Ep term inside the square root should have p primed

Nadeem Afana


Nov 17, 2020

Prob 6-6, 3rd line: The p in VEp should be primed

Nadeem Afana


Nov 17, 2020

Sect. “First Type of Compton Positron …”, 1st line: delete underline on blank space

Nadeem Afana


Nov 17, 2020

Under bracket on <0||0> is upside down

Nadeem Afana


Nov 17, 2020

Prob. 9, first line after (P9-1): change “middle” to  innermost -

Nadeem Afana


Oct 5, 2018

Third row up from bottom, middle column: The referenced equation (4-29) should be on same row aligned with right margin.



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